The testimonials below are people I have worked with in a variety of professional settings. Some are parents I have supported as I worked with their gifted/2e children in school or consulted with as a client. Some have heard me in public speaking scenarios. Finally, some are educational peers.

Mark Hess
Educator, President -Elect Colorado Association Gifted and Talented, Author: I Used to be Gifted
What I appreciate most from Deb's presentiations is that I know I am talking to a longtime educator and to a fellow teacher who gets me, gets gifted kids, and know how to reach them individually. She has been there. She has done that. As an educator, I find that perspective to be invaluable.

Dr. Gail Post
Licensed Psychologist
Author: The Parenting Journey
Deb offers a unique perspective on giftedness and twice-exceptionalities, given her decades of experience in the field. She conveys an in-depth understanding of the challenges these students face through her writing and engaging presentation style.

Dr. Kolleen Homuth
Professor College of Education
Central Michigan University
Deborah Gennarelli always shares professional experiences and knowledge in a meaningful way. Her book on twice-exceptional boys is a must-have valuable resource for home and classroom libraries alike. I reference Deborah's expert knowledge about gifted children in my university classes.
Myriam Oliver-
Mexico City, Mexico
I live in Mexico and I have a 4-year old son who is gifted. I was a bit desperate and worried because in my country there are no schools for gifted children. I started doing my research on the subject and came across Deb's book. I started reading and immediately had the need to contact her. Deb responded to my email immediately. She was helpful, supportive, and empathetic. We had a couple of consultations via telephone and it helped me alot to know more about the subjext of giftedness. It also helped with my concerns raising a gifted son. Deb also put time into sending me possible schools in the USA and gifted associations in case I decide to immigrate to America. I will always be immensely grateful to Deb for the way she supported me, helped me, and enlightedned me on the subject of raising a gifted child. I know that if I ever need her help again, I can always count on Deb's support.
Somier Hoy-
Sagamore Hills, Ohio
Mrs. Gennarelli has a true passion for not only educating, but identifying gifted children that are often overlooked, labeled with behavior problems, or lost in the school system. She was instrumental in identifying my son and creating unique, challenging, and fullfilling opportunities so he could continue to grow academically, socially, and emotionally. She also fought endlessly for resources for gifted students. Her endless support and guidance made all the difference for my child. Mrs. Gennarelli is a true expert in the field of gifted education.
Ann-Marie Ahern-
Rocky River, Ohio
Deb Gennarelli worked with our two daughters who were both identified gifted in first grade. Although our children had many fine educators K-8, we felt that Deb truly "got them" unlike any other. There is no greater joy as a parent than when an educator really sees what makes your child unique and uses this understanding to formulate an individualized approach that inspires your child to achieve. Our two daughters are similar in some respects and very different in others. Deb evaluated each of them as individuals and tailored her approach in a way that supported their talents and allowed them to flourish. We are grateful for the time that our daughters had with Deb!
Dr. Stuart N. Robinson
Licensed Psychologist
Dallas, TX
Most anyone can have credentials these days, but Deborah is one of the few that has the experience to go along with the legitimate training, and more importantly, whose high professional standards and care for 2e individuals is unique.
Lisa Whelan
Middle School Principal
Westlake, OH
I have been in the world of education for over 25 yeas as a classroom teacher and now a school principal. I worked with Deb for ten of those years and learned more from her mentorship than I could have ever learned in a traditional classroom. She is truly an advocate for gifted children, their families, and the educators who work with gifted children in their classrooms. Deb has this natural gift/ability to create a community that allows students the opportunity/freedom to showcase their talents, but at the same time hold students accountable in the areas that might be difficult for a child that has been identified as gifted/2e. I am confident that without Deb's continued advocacy for gifted students, many of these children would not have been able to find a level of success and happiness in their lives that they are now able to enjoy. If it truly takes a village, then Deb is the mayor!
Jen Hooper
Fairview Park, OH
“Have Years ago, our son was identified gifted in first grade and was diagnosed with ADHD in second grade-making him twice-exceptional. If you had asked me then what that meant, I would have had no idea. At the end of our son's first grade year, when the symptoms of ADHD were becomming a problem, we met Deb Gennarelli for the first time. She was the gifted specialist and teacher of the gifted program at our son's school. She gently told us that we were at the beginning of a long educational journey that would undoubtedly have its ups and downs. I really didn't undestand what she was talking about at that time, but Deb helped to educate us on our son's needs and how to help him. Deb worked with our son for 8 years and challenged him in ways that his regular classroom teachers did not. She was an advocate for him as well to his teachers and administration when they didn't understand him or found him difficult. Deb went to bat for our son more times than I think I even knew about. She helped us countless times with advice, direction, and a consoling voice of reason. She also helped push his other teachers to be more open to accomodations and alternative teaching methods. It is not an exaggeration to say that it is only because of Deb that our son (and his parents) got through his K-8 school journey.
Brigid Chambers
Rocky River, OH
Deb Gennarelli worked with our gifted daughter throughout her entire time in elementary school from Kindgergarten through 8th grade. During those nine years, we as parents got to know Deb and see the enormous impact she had on our daughter's school experience. Deb truly gto to know our daughter on a personal level and she was always there to help her in anyway needed. Her activities in the classroom were engaging, interesting, and challenging. Deb taught more than academics. She helped our daughter learn and grow socially and emotinally as well. She was an advocate for all the students she worked with and brought an exceptional level of professionalism and expertise to her role as a gifted education specialist. Deb is an amazing person and educator and we will be forever grateful for all that she did for our daughter.
Barry and Macey Delcambre
Austin, TX
Deb has truly been a godsend for our family. She has transformed us from confused parents stuck googling "twice exceptional" into empowered advoctes for our 2nd grade son. After our first meeting, I felt such a relief, like she'd hugged me, dusted me off, and took my hand to start down a path of success. She spent time researching schools, reviewing tests/reports and even sent suggested 2e books, some of our son's favorite holiday giftes. She has been with us for the bumps and sharp curves this school year always helping to focus us on asking the right questions, pointing out red flags and dismissing the irrelevant stuff. She guides us in the most supportive way instead of overwhelming us with more work and reading. I now ask myself "what would Deb say about this," and if I don't know, I just ask her!
Erin Schilling
Cincinnati, OH
Thank you Deb so much for your book,
"Twice-Exceptional Boys". It was refreshing to read something that hit the nail on the head to describe what feels like such an uncommon scenario with our son, BUT I know it is not!

Kathleen Hegan
Victoria, British Columbia
We are very grateful to have some guidance and expertise while we try to develop an (ever evolving) approach to supporting our daughter. Thank you for being such a reassuring and validating
presence for us.